On July 2, 2018 Santa Monica Public Library started a new initiative designed to encourage children and teens to use, or return to, the Library. The Fine Free program will allow youth (age 0-18) who are Santa Monica Public Library cardholders to have increased access and use of the Library and its materials at any of its locations. Eliminating overdue fines for our young patrons will help remove barriers to their use of the Library. This change applies to overdue fines only. At this point in time, the fine free status applies solely to Santa Monica Library cards issued to patrons ages 0-18. To celebrate the kickoff of the Fine Free program, children and their families were invited to enjoy cookies, paint “rocktus pets,” and decorate a mural that is currently on display in the lobby of the Main Library
- Fine Free mural displayed in the lobby of the Main Library
- Children gather to paint mural
- Teen decorates a “rocktus pet”